Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I must admit I have enjoyed this week more than last week. The wickis we had to look at were very interesting. The following 2 were my favourites: the SJCPL Subject Guides wiki and Book Lovers Wiki at the Princeton Public Library. On looking at the book lovers wicki and reading some reviews I decided to try our catalogue and found we had the following book and I am thoroughly enjoying reading it. If any are interested the title is Diary : a novel by Palahniuk, Chuck. The SJCPL subject guide wicki was very comprehensive and I could have spent a lot more time going through it. I especially liked the cooking link as there are some good hints and tips, and they had a Recipe of the Month at the bottom that sounded Divine.

Cheers for now and Happy Easter everyone.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Wow, we are up to week 4 already and the time seems to just fly.
RSS - Well as some people have already said I now also have a notebook beside my computer with all my account and password details as well. I found RSS feeds not as easy as I had hoped as some my favourite topic/sites not always had a RSS feed. I can see how it could be used in a library situation though as it would be a good tool to keep the borrowers informed on new things and author talks that the library holds.

Cheers for now.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Week 3

Found this image on Flickr

Finally I have found a picture that was able to be copies and shared. I have chosen this one as I love anything to do with gardens.

Week 3 had a lot of reading and when I finally finished all that the next hardest part was finding a picture that was able to be shared with others. I prefer to have a picture instead of a link as I feel that this makes the blog more interesting for both me and the readers. I also now know how to save a picture to my hard drive and then post it to my blog.
Well as time is running out that is me for the week.

Cheers and have a good weekend.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Well I have made it back again to my Blog and now I better talk about why this all started for me. I am taking part in the Learning 2.0 run by the NSW State Library. I have never done anything like this before so it will be a very steep learning curve for me. I must admit setting up a G mail account took longer that I anticipated as finding a name was the hardest part.
The video clip was informative even though I had to watch it a few times and hopefully at the end of the 12 Weeks I will be a lot more confident using new technologies.
