Thursday, February 28, 2008

My first blog

Wow this a completely new experience for me and now where to begin. Some of you are probably wondering where I got my blogger title from. As you can see (hopefully it worked) from the above picture I am a very big animal lover. This is a picture of the newest addition to our family his name in Caesar and he is a Collie Rough. He has a short coat at the moment and when he has his full winter coat I will post another picture (fingers crossed). We also feed most of the native wildflife in our area. On a typical day we can feed up to 9 kookaburra's, 2 magpies these I have called Heckle and Jeckel, native butcher birds, hordes of rainbow lorrikeets, beautiful pink galah's and the occassional rosellas and that is in the daytime only. We also feed possums and flying foxes at night. If we are real lucky we have a owl that comes in and we feed it as well. Unfortunately I am not sure what type of owl it is. Some of you possum haters out there are probably cursing me right about now but the reason we started feeding the possums was that if we left out fruit for them to eat then we have found that they leave our garden alone. As I am running out of time this will have to do for now.


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